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The Magic of Reading Aloud

By: Sarah Clark, Arboro Empowered Coach

Local Firefighters of Ladder 22 reading aloud during storytime at Arboro Empowered. Reserve your spot at Arboro's weekly community storytime- every Thursday morning!


When I think about reading, I have two very strong memories.

  1. Sitting in a circle with my 4th grade class while our teacher, Mrs. Govert, read The BFG at the end of the day while waiting for the bell to ring to go home. We would sit there drawn into the magic of the story so much that when the bell rang, we would exclaim, “Awwww we were just getting to the good part!”

  1. Sitting in the recliner at 9:00pm as a moody 6th grader reading the required text that I procrastinated until the last minute to read. My dad, being the avid reader he was, and knowing my procrastination habits, picked up the titles from the library for him to read alongside me. On this particular night, my dad offered to read aloud to me (to which I quickly felt offended at the mere thought of him underestimating my reading skills). Still, as he began to read aloud, I felt my body melt into the recliner and fall in love with the plot of the story until we finished half the book that night.

We often think that reading aloud to kids is important in the early years as they are still developing their reading skills, but the truth is, even as an adult I find myself enthralled by a good read aloud. (I think it has fueled my love of audiobooks- or maybe it's that I am too busy to sit down as often as I’d like with a book!?)

The research is consistent throughout the years about the benefits of reading aloud.

  • Builds vocabulary, background knowledge, and the desire to read.

  • Increases an association of comfort, connection, and pleasure with reading books.

  • Immerses kids in the structure of a story, correct grammar, and sentence structure

  • Develops language skills to make sense of the world.

  • Creates experiences to hear fluency and expression when reading texts.

I could go on and on about the benefits of reading aloud to kids but I will leave you with this quote:

“Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.”

Emilie Buchwald

From Arboro to Yours,

Sarah Clark


Celebrate the magic of reading aloud as a family with Jolabokaflod- A family winter celebration at Arboro on Thursday 12/7/23. Free for the community!

Learn more and reserve your spot by clicking here:


More information about the research behind reading aloud:


We want to hear from you!

What is your family’s favorite book to read aloud during the holiday season?

Share yours below in the comments!

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